Bacterial hemp fibre exposure

Hemp is a natural product which is degraded under suited conditions by a wide range of micro organisms. In literature neither information are available about stabilization of hemp products nor about utilisation of hemp-wastes or material form recycling to produce renewable energy like hydrogen or methane.

On basis of their high activity against complex bacteria-mixtures three biocides have been selected from more than 20 pre-selected products by application of methods to determine bacteriostatic and biocide efficiency. During long-term tests with repeated incubation a stabilisation of hemp-fibre materials and also tensides from hemp-oil has been achieved.

Microbial degradation of hemp fibres has been intensively investigated. New, undescribed structures of elemental fibres in fibre bundles have been detected. Specific bacteria cultures have been isolated which an-aerobically degrade pectin and cellulose, and produce methane. The basis of a new biotechnological procedure to process hemp fibres has been established. This will further be investigated in a new R&D-project.

Measurements of methane production rate (300-450 m3/t) from hemp waste products has been carried out in laboratory scale. A new 2-phase procedure of alcohol and hydrogen production with successional methane production was established. Per tonne hemp-dust 80 m3 hydrogen and 130 m3 methane could be produced.