MEOR – case studies

Basically the MEOR process is applicable at all reservoir types, if the physical and chemical conditions for bacterial growth are met.

The MEOR process is particularly suitable for carbonate deposits, representing ~ 50 % of oil reservoirs worldwide. Here some EOR-technologies, usually applied in sands (e.g. polymer-, surfactant- and alkaline-flooding) show low efficiency because of chemical reactions. The particular advantages of the MEOR technology with molasses in carbonate formations are:

  • Injected bacteria spread wider and more quickly through fissures, fractures and pure canals
  • Reactions of generated bio-products take place deep inside the reservoir
  • Plugging of oil bearing strata by filtration, adsorption and on-growth of bacteria is minimized
  • Carbonates neutralize generated organic acids, which intensifies the formation of microbial products
  • New, not yet drained sections of reservoir rock are included in recovery as a result of microbial rock solution

The following case studies illustrate the diverse and positive effects of MEOR treatment.